A chronicle of the pregnancy of my wife and the birth and life of identical twin sisters.

Friday, July 25, 2008

And the tape says, 47 weeks

So every time we (yes, I go to EVERY appointment with K) go to the doc she measures K's belly, vertically from pubic bone to sternum-ish area. The length of the tape tells how many weeks you are measuring. Normal stuff done every time. Well this time things were a little above normal you might say. Or longer than normal. She is measuring 47 weeks pregnant. The average gestation period for single babies is between 37-42 weeks. She is 5 weeks, in size, beyond that. With twins, that is par for the course. It is an amazing thing and I am so proud of her. It takes a great amount of strength and patience to do what she is doing and I see it everyday.

We are hoping for another week or so, but if they come now they'll be fine and it is likely they'll go home with us. In a week, there is a 90% chance they'll come home with us so that is our minimum goal.

No planning this stuff of course so when they come, that is their time. I am ready (because I know not).

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