A chronicle of the pregnancy of my wife and the birth and life of identical twin sisters.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Documenting the experience...

Tonight my wife, Kate, and I decided we will document our lives through the birth of our children and our experiences after. We understand that before we know it they will be grown and on their own and hopefully we can capture some of the experience for reflection and reminiscing and sharing with others. Most of all I am excited that one day my children will be able to read about their journey into this world and their early life in it.


robby_p said...

Those lil noses! I'm so excited! It's scary to post comments knowing that some day the kiddos may read this. I feel a lot of pressure to sound uncle-ly, sage and wise. Umm... measure twice, cut once, Girls! You get what you give in life! Wish in one hand, poop in the other, and see which one fills up faster.
These are my mantras...
Sorry to miss the shower.

Granny said...

the shower was wonderful! So many sweet gifts for o & v!

We can't wait to meet these little girls. What a magical family!